2、行为的损害结果 损害(damage)分物质损害(material damage)和精神损害(moral damage) 。 一般的国家责任要求损害结果的存 在为要素。
moral damage system 精神损害赔偿制度
severe moral damage 严重精神损害之诉
moral damage reparation 精神损害赔偿
compensable moral damage 可得赔偿的精神损害
moral damage compensation 精神损害赔偿
Compensation for Moral Damage 精神损害赔偿
moral damage compensation obligation 精神损害赔偿责任
compensation system for moral damage 精神损害赔偿制度
Second,this question is about to moral damage compensation of traffic accident crime.
参考来源 - 交通肇事罪若干问题研究(研究生论文)·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Damages of environmental tort include property damage and moral damage.
The moral damage compensation is an important part of state compensation system.
In the second part, the issue of compensation for moral damage is analyzed and studied.
"The moral effects around the planet, the increase in morale of the radical jihadists and the damage to western civilization will be incalculable.
VOA: standard.2010.07.30
The issue of psychopathy, of people who, either due to brain damage or because they are born that way, have no moral understanding, can help us cope with questions of free will and responsibility; of the relationship or difference between mental illness and evil.